Excess Work


Avoidance tactics are often used as coping mechanisms to temporarily alleviate emotional pain associated with loss. Though in excess, your life begins to spiral.

In order to assist you with this we are doing a series of posts that delve into the eight most common avoidance tactics.

Today is day three and we are looking at:


Throwing oneself into work excessively can serve as a distraction from grief.

By keeping busy and preoccupied with work-related tasks, you can avoid confronting your feelings of loss.

This may lead to burnout and neglect of personal well-being.

Some of the long term negative effects from indulging in this avoidance tactic can be:

  • Personal:

    Overworking can lead to burnout, physical and mental health issues, and a lack of self-care.

  • Relationships:

    Neglecting personal relationships due to excessive work can strain family and social connections, leading to isolation and loneliness.

  • Work:

    Over time, burnout can lead to decreased productivity, errors, and decreased job satisfaction.

  • Financial:

    While it might lead to short-term financial gains, the long-term cost of neglecting health can result in medical expenses and reduced earning potential.

To assist you to self-assess whether you are using these tactics to avoid dealing with your grief here are:

Five Contemplations for YOU to Ponder:

  • Am I spending excessive hours at work to the detriment of my personal life and well-being?
  • Is work becoming a way to escape from my feelings of grief and sadness?
  • Have I neglected self-care and personal relationships due to my work commitments?
  • Do I find it challenging to disconnect from work even during personal time?
  • Am I using work as a distraction from processing my emotions related to the loss?

If you find that you are, please reach out to us for support and guidance, so we can assist you to transition to more constructive grieving strategies.

Until we meet again, please remember that you are Simply the BEST!

Karen and Lesley


#WorkaholicWoes #AvoidanceBurnout #BalancingLife #RelationshipStrain #SeekingSupport

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